How does Acupuncture work?
Many people find acupuncture to be a painless, very relaxing and pleasant experience.
Very fine needles are inserted into precise locations on the body (acupuncture points). The needles are manipulated to influence the Qi (energy/life force) which flows along channels, each of the internal organs having a bilateral channel. As the Qi travels through these channels, and a myriad of fine, connecting channels, it reaches every part of the body.
In good health (harmony/balance), this energy keeps the internal organs, sense organs, joints and muscles and all structures functioning properly. In illness, the Qi is in disharmony and the organs etc lose proper nourishment.
Acupuncture is believed to holistically stimulate the body’s natural healing processes.
The Acupuncturist arrives at a diagnosis by:
• Looking at the tongue, eyes, general appearance, etc
• Feeling the pulse
• Gathering information by asking the patient a specific set of questions
He composes a prescription consisting of several acupuncture points, each point having a range of therapeutic functions. For example, blocked Qi may need moving/regulating; weak Qi may need strengthening. This treatment is aimed at bringing the Qi back into balance and the body back to health.
Can Acupuncture help me?
A broad range of disorders are commonly seen in an acupuncture clinic. Alan offers individually tailored treatments to address underlying causes of conditions.